Formatting Text
Trifolia allows you to format descriptions, notes, and narrative constraint text using Markdown syntax. When you render the output to HTML or Word, the text is rendered according to the specified export format.
Fields That Support Wiki Syntax
The following fields support wiki syntax formatting:
- Templates
- Description
- Notes
- Constraints
- Primitive Constraint Narrative
- Constraint Description
- Constraint Heading Description
- Implementation Guides
- Volume 1 Sections
- Template Type Description (ex: “Document Templates” description)
The Markdown fields in Trifolia may have a mix of Markdown and HTML. For example:
This **is an** example of <span class="font-family: Courier New">mixed html</span> and markdown.
Formatting XML elements
You may want to highlight XML element names so that they show in a different format than other text. A CSS class has been added to accommodate this, which is also respected by MS Word documents.
The CSS class name is "XMLName", and may be used like so:
These pilot instance identifiers begin with <span class="XMLName">2.16.840.1.113883.</span>; HL7 example identifiers begin with <span class="XMLName">2.16.840.1.113883.19.5</span>.
Syntax Guide
# Big header
## Medium header
### Small header
#### Tiny header
##### Even more tiny header
###### Super small header
* Unordered list item
* Unordered list item
* Unordered list item
1. Numbered list item
2. Numbered list item
3. Numbered list item
[alt text](
> This is a quote
> It can span multiple lines!
![alt text](
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| John | Doe | Male |
| Mary | Smith | Female |
Embedded Code
<setId root="..." />