FHIR DSTU2 ImplementationGuide API Controller
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR2/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId}?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Get the specified implementation guide |
GET api/FHIR2/ImplementationGuide?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary}&_include={_include}&_id={_id}&name={name} |
Gets implementation guides. Can specify search information, such as the name of the implementation guide and the id of the implementation guide. |
GET api/FHIR2/ImplementationGuide/_search?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary}&_include={_include}&_id={_id}&name={name} |
Gets implementation guides. Can specify search information, such as the name of the implementation guide and the id of the implementation guide. |
POST api/FHIR2/ImplementationGuide?_format={_format} |
Creates a new implementation guide |
PUT api/FHIR2/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId} |
Updates the specified implementation guide |
DELETE api/FHIR2/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId} |
Deletes the specified implementation guide |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR2/Conformance?_format={_format} |
Gets conformance information about the FHIR DSTU2 server. |
API | Description |
POST api/Import/Trifolia |
Imports data from the native Trifolia format. See https://github.com/lantanagroup/trifolia/blob/master/Trifolia.Shared/ImportExport/Model/TemplateExport.xsd for the schema that is used by the import. |
POST api/Import/ValueSet |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Report/User |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Report/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId}/Validate |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Report/Template/Review |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Group/My/Disclaimer |
Gets disclaimers from groups (that have disclaimers) that the current user is a member of |
GET api/Group/My/{groupId} |
Gets the specified group, including managers and members |
GET api/Group/My |
Gets all of the groups that the user manages or is a member of |
POST api/Group/My |
Creates a new group. The current user is automatically added as a manager of the group. Members and managers of the model are not created as part of this operation. |
PUT api/Group/My/{groupId} |
Updates the specified group based on the information passed in the body/model. |
DELETE api/Group/{groupId}/User |
Removes the current user from the specified group |
POST api/Group/{groupId}/User |
Attempts to join the current user to the specified group. If the user is already a member of the group, nothing is done. If the group is also a manager of the group, the user is added as a member. If the group requires approval to join, an email is sent to the managers of the group. If the group is open for anyone to join, the user is added as a member of the group. |
POST api/Group/{groupId}/Manager/{userId} |
Adds a user to the specified group as a manager |
POST api/Group/{groupId}/Member/{userId} |
Adds a user to the specified group as a member |
DELETE api/Group/{groupId}/Manager/{userId} |
Removes a manager (user) from the specified group |
DELETE api/Group/{groupId}/Member/{userId} |
Removes a member (user) from the specified group |
GET api/Group/{groupId}/Manager |
Gets all managers of the specified group |
GET api/Group/{groupId}/Member |
Gets all members of the specified group |
GET api/Group?onlyNotMember={onlyNotMember} |
Gets all groups |
GET api/Group/{groupId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Group |
Creates or updates a group based on the body/model specified Updates require an Id to be specified in the model Responds with the id of the group that was created/updated |
DELETE api/Group/{groupId} |
Deletes the specified group |
API | Description |
GET api/Organization |
Gets all organizations in Trifolia |
GET api/Organization/{organizationId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Organization |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/Organization/{organizationId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Organization/{organizationId}/Role |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Template/Edit/{implementationGuideId}/Extension |
Gets all extensions that the specified implementation guide can use If the specified implementation guide is not a FHIR IG Type, an empty list is returned |
GET api/Template/Edit/{implementationGuideId}/Category |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Template/Edit/{templateId}/MetaData |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Template/Edit/{templateId}/Constraint |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Template/Edit/Schema/{implementationGuideId}?parentType={parentType}&path={path}&includeAttributes={includeAttributes} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Template/Edit/PublishStatus/{implementationGuideId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Template/Edit/DerivedType/{implementationGuideId}/{dataType} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Template/Edit/Prose |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Template/Edit/List |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Template/Edit/Save |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIRLatest/ValueSet/{valueSetId}?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Gets the specified value set from Trifolia, converts it to, and returns a ValueSet resource. |
GET api/FHIRLatest/ValueSet/{valueSetId}/$expand?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/FHIRLatest/ValueSet?_id={_id}&name={name}&_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches value sets within Trifolia and returns them as ValueSet resources within a Bundle. |
GET api/FHIRLatest/ValueSet/_search?_id={_id}&name={name}&_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches value sets within Trifolia and returns them as ValueSet resources within a Bundle. |
POST api/FHIRLatest/ValueSet?_format={_format} |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/FHIRLatest/ValueSet/{valueSetId}?_format={_format} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIRLatest/StructureDefinition/{bookmark}?_summary={_summary} |
Gets a specific profile and converts it to a StructureDefinition resource. |
GET api/FHIRLatest/StructureDefinition?_id={_id}&name={name}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches for profiles within Trifolia and returns them as StructureDefinition resources within a Bundle. |
GET api/FHIRLatest/StructureDefinition/_search?_id={_id}&name={name}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches for profiles within Trifolia and returns them as StructureDefinition resources within a Bundle. |
POST api/FHIRLatest/StructureDefinition |
Creates a template/profile from the specified StructureDefinition |
PUT api/FHIRLatest/StructureDefinition/{bookmark} |
Updates an existing template/profile based on the specified StructureDefinition |
DELETE api/FHIRLatest/StructureDefinition/{bookmark} |
Deletes the specified profile/template. This is a permanent deletion, and cannot be restored via _history. |
POST api/FHIRLatestStructureDefinition |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Role |
Gets all roles in Trifolia |
POST api/Role/{roleId}/Assign/{securableId} |
Assgns the specified securable to the role Both role and securable must exist. |
POST api/Role/{roleId}/Unassign/{securableId} |
Removes a securable from the specified role. Both role and securable must exist. |
POST api/Role?roleName={roleName} |
Adds a new role with the specified name. |
DELETE api/Role/{roleId} |
Removes the specified role Expects that a valid role is specified. |
POST api/Role/{roleId}/Restrict/{organizationId} |
Updates the organization restrictions for a given role. Role must be specified. Any organization passed in via the model is checked to determine if it should be added or removed as a restriction. |
POST api/Role/{roleId}/Unrestrict/{organizationId} |
Removes the restriction on the specified organization from the specified role |
POST api/Role/{roleId}/SetDefault |
Set the default role to the role specified in the roleId parameter. First removes the default flag from all roles, then sets the flag for the one specified (or none, if null is provided). |
API | Description |
GET api/Type |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Type/{implementationGuideTypeId}/SchemaChoice |
Gets all choices available within the specified implementation guide type's schema This returns the model that should be used to POST the schema choices back to the server for changing the schema choice names. |
POST api/Type/{implementationGuideTypeId}/SchemaChoice |
Saves all choices to the specified schema |
API | Description |
GET api/schematypes/{id}/all |
Gets all of the types in a schema regardless if they are prefered or not |
GET api/SchemaTypes/{id} |
Gets all the prefered types in a schema |
API | Description |
GET api/Admin/Config?isRef={isRef} |
Gets configuration information used by the client-side application |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR3/CapabilityStatement?_format={_format} |
Gets conformance information about the FHIR DSTU2 server. |
GET api/FHIR3/metadata?_format={_format} |
Gets conformance information about the FHIR DSTU2 server. |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIRCurrentBuild/CapabilityStatement?_format={_format} |
Gets conformance information about the FHIR DSTU2 server. |
GET api/FHIRCurrentBuild/metadata?_format={_format} |
Gets conformance information about the FHIR DSTU2 server. |
API | Description |
GET api/Config/ReleaseAnnouncement |
No documentation available. |
GET api/User/Me/ReleaseAnnouncement |
Checks the status of the currently logged-in user on the configured mail chimp release announcements list |
DELETE api/User/Me/ReleaseAnnouncement |
Unsubscribes the current user from the configured release announcement list |
POST api/User/Me/ReleaseAnnouncement |
Subscribes the current user to the configured release announcements list |
GET api/User/Search?searchText={searchText} |
Searches for users |
GET api/User |
Gets a list of all users in the database. Can only be executed by admins. |
GET api/User/Me |
Gets the profile model for the currently logged-in user. |
POST api/User/ValidateUMLSApiKey |
This method is a public route for |
POST api/User/Me |
Persists/updates the information in the model to the current user's profile. |
POST api/User |
Updates the currently logged-in user's profiles with the data in the specified model |
DELETE api/User/{userId}?organizationId={organizationId} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/User/{userId}/Role/{roleId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/User/{userId}/Role/{roleId} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/User/{userId}/Group/{groupId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/User/{userId}/Group/{groupId} |
No documentation available. |
FHIR DSTU2 ValueSet API Controller
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR2/ValueSet/{valueSetId}?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Gets the specified value set from Trifolia, converts it to, and returns a ValueSet resource. |
GET api/FHIR2/ValueSet?_id={_id}&name={name}&_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches value sets within Trifolia and returns them as ValueSet resources within a Bundle. |
GET api/FHIR2/ValueSet/_search?_id={_id}&name={name}&_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches value sets within Trifolia and returns them as ValueSet resources within a Bundle. |
POST api/FHIR2/ValueSet?_format={_format} |
Creates a new value set |
PUT api/FHIR2/ValueSet/{valueSetId}?_format={_format} |
Updates the specified ValueSet. |
FHIR DSTU2 StructureDefinition API Controller
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR2/StructureDefinition/{templateId}?_summary={_summary} |
Gets a specific profile and converts it to a StructureDefinition resource. |
GET api/FHIR2/StructureDefinition?_id={_id}&name={name}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches for profiles within Trifolia and returns them as StructureDefinition resources within a Bundle. |
GET api/FHIR2/StructureDefinition/_search?_id={_id}&name={name}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches for profiles within Trifolia and returns them as StructureDefinition resources within a Bundle. |
POST api/FHIR2/StructureDefinition |
Creates a template/profile from the specified StructureDefinition |
PUT api/FHIR2/StructureDefinition/{templateId} |
Updates an existing template/profile based on the specified StructureDefinition |
DELETE api/FHIR2/StructureDefinition/{templateId} |
Deletes the specified profile/template. This is a permanent deletion, and cannot be restored via _history. |
POST api/FHIR2StructureDefinition |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Support/Config |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Support |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR3/StructureDefinition/{bookmark}?_summary={_summary} |
Gets a specific profile and converts it to a StructureDefinition resource. |
GET api/FHIR3/StructureDefinition?_id={_id}&name={name}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches for profiles within Trifolia and returns them as StructureDefinition resources within a Bundle. |
GET api/FHIR3/StructureDefinition/_search?_id={_id}&name={name}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches for profiles within Trifolia and returns them as StructureDefinition resources within a Bundle. |
POST api/FHIR3/StructureDefinition |
Creates a template/profile from the specified StructureDefinition |
PUT api/FHIR3/StructureDefinition/{bookmark} |
Updates an existing template/profile based on the specified StructureDefinition |
DELETE api/FHIR3/StructureDefinition/{bookmark} |
Deletes the specified profile/template. This is a permanent deletion, and cannot be restored via _history. |
POST api/FHIR3StructureDefinition |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Export/Settings?implementationGuideId={implementationGuideId}&format={format} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Export/Settings?implementationGuideId={implementationGuideId}&format={format} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Export |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR3/ValueSet/{valueSetId}?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Gets the specified value set from Trifolia, converts it to, and returns a ValueSet resource. |
GET api/FHIR3/ValueSet/{valueSetId}/$expand?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/FHIR3/ValueSet?_id={_id}&name={name}&_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches value sets within Trifolia and returns them as ValueSet resources within a Bundle. |
GET api/FHIR3/ValueSet/_search?_id={_id}&name={name}&_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Searches value sets within Trifolia and returns them as ValueSet resources within a Bundle. |
POST api/FHIR3/ValueSet?_format={_format} |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/FHIR3/ValueSet/{valueSetId}?_format={_format} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Auth/WhoAmI |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/Security/HasSecurables |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/FHIR3/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId}?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary} |
Get the specified implementation guide in FHIR DSTU2 format |
GET api/FHIR3/ImplementationGuide?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary}&_include={_include}&_id={_id}&name={name} |
Gets implementation guides in FHIR DSTU2 format. Can specify search information, such as the name of the implementation guide and the id of the implementation guide. |
GET api/FHIR3/ImplementationGuide/_search?_format={_format}&_summary={_summary}&_include={_include}&_id={_id}&name={name} |
Gets implementation guides in FHIR DSTU2 format. Can specify search information, such as the name of the implementation guide and the id of the implementation guide. |
POST api/FHIR3/ImplementationGuide?_format={_format} |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/FHIR3/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/FHIR3/ImplementationGuide/{implementationGuideId} |
No documentation available. |