Export Schematron

  1. Click "Export" from the top navigation menu
  2. Select the implementation guide to export
  3. Select "Schematron" as the export format
  4. In the Options tab, choose the Value Set Format, specify the Value Set File Name to use for value set output, and choose whether to use custom Schematron.
  5. In the Templates/Profiles tab, select or clear check boxes to indicate the templates you want to include in the export file. Select or clear the check box in the table's header row to select or clear the boxes for all templates.
  6. Select Export after the implementation guide has validated and finished loading
  7. You will be prompted to download either a .zip or .sch file, depending on whether "Include Vocabulary" was selected

The Options Tab

  • Value Set Format - choose the format you want to use from the drop-down menu
  • Include Custom Schematron - choose whether to include any custom Schematron entered on the Edit implementation guide > Custom schematron screen.
  • Value Set File Name - enter a new filename to use for value set output, or use the default, voc.xml.
  • Default Schematron - specify the assertion that should be used when a primitive constraint is defined that does not have custom schematron defined for it.
  • Include Vocabulary - when "yes" is selected, the export produced is a ZIP file, instead of a single SCH file. The ZIP file includes the Schematron (SCH) file, as well as a vocabulary XML file used by the Schematron.

The Templates/Profiles Tab

When "Include Inferred" is "Yes", all templates/profiles owned by the implementation guide and all templates referenced by templates within the selected implementation guide will be included in the list of templates. When "Include Inferred" is "No", only templates owned by the selected implementation guide will be included in the list of templates. See Common Features > Inferred Templates for more information.

Select or clear check boxes to choose the templates you want to include in the guide. A No in the This IG? column indicates that the template/profile is referenced by, but not contained in the implementation guide. Select or clear the check box at the top of the column to select or clear all check boxes.