Export Vocabulary

  1. Click "Export" from the top navigation menu
  2. Select the implementation guide to export
  3. Select one of the "Vocabulary" formats in the drop-down menu
  4. Choose a Format for the export. Vocabularies can be exported in these formats:
    1. Lantana standard (SCH)
    2. Sharing Value Sets (SVS)
    3. Excel (XSLX)
  5. In the Maximum Members box, enter or use the arrow buttons to set the number of members a value set must contain in order to be excluded from the export.
  6. Choose an Encoding format.
  7. Select Export after the implementation guide has validated and finished loading
  8. You will be prompted to download the .xml or .xlsx vocabulary file, depending on the vocabulary format selected.

The "Value Sets" tab on the export settings screen shows the user the value sets that will be included as part of the export. No changes can be made to this tab, it is only for informational purposes.

Export Formats

Value sets that are dynamically bound to an implementation guide (via a template's constraint) are only included in the following export formats:

  • Excel
  • FHIR

Lantana Standard (XML)

The "Lantana Standard" XML format is a proprietary format developed by Lantana. This format is used by schematron for validating value set bindings.

Sharing Value Sets (SVS/XML)

The Sharing Value Sets (SVS) profile provides a means through which healthcare systems producing or consuming clinical or administrative data, such as diagnostic imaging equipment, laboratory reporting systems, primary care physician office EMR systems, or national healthcare record systems, can access value sets built from common, uniform nomenclatures managed centrally. Shared nomenclatures with specific derived value sets are essential to achieving semantic interoperability.

Download Specification

Excel (XLSX)

The Excel format includes two sheets:

  • Affected Value Sets
    • Value Set Name
    • Value Set OID
  • Value Set Members
    • Value Set OID
      This is the identifier of the value set that the memeer belongs to (a reference to a row on the "Affected Value Sets" sheet)
    • Value Set Name
      This is the name of the value set that the member belongs to (a reference to a row on the "Affected Value Sets" sheet)
    • Code
    • Display Name
    • Code System Name


The output of this export is in FHIR DSTU1 XML format. Additional details on this format can be found here.